

As people transform their health over 21 days, many report improved energy, motivation, focus, mental clarity and enhanced mood. As these start to improve, people often report an increase in the amount of joy and happiness they experience on a daily basis. Life improvement Coach Tony Robbins says “The quality of your life is the quality of where you live emotionally,” Since most people report that feeling better increases their ability to feel joy, it’s safe to assume that this program will improve your overall life!

“I have lost 20 pounds on the detox but most important I want to be alive again and I am feeling great! I’m not depressed and feel a reason to be here and look forward to tomorrow. I sleep through the night now and no longer take naps all day because I’m sad or tired…Thank you Dr. Shirley for always believing in me.” -Kim M.

“Through the years my body has endured a tremendous amount of abuse from competitive sports and my career as a firefighter. Every day was consumed mitigating the overwhelming pain in my joints…Coming from a dietetics background, I felt my nutrition was comparably clean. With hesitation, I decided to try the cleanse. Within the first week I was completely pain free, my joints felt rejuvenated. Six months after, I remain pain free and feel like I’m alive and living again.” -D.T.