
Welcome Detox Alumni!

If you’re visiting this page, that means you have been cordially invited to become a Detox Ambassador™️ for our Transform In 21™️ Fundraising event!  

Use this page to learn more about our Detox Ambassador program and to get started!

What’s a Detox Ambassador™️

Someone who is excited about what Detox has done for them and wants to help others by sharing their story and helping to optimize the Detox experience of new Detoxers! 

Why Me?

If you were invited, please do not take this honor lightly! Out of the THOUSANDS of people who have participated in this program, YOU were literally hand-picked by Drs. Joe and Shirley to represent them and their Detox With the Docs Program (which they do not take lightly!) This means you must have had some pretty amazing results in the past! It also means that you have given the doctors the impression that you could be a good leader, you care about other people and show a desire to help them succeed, and most importantly, they respect and trust you to fulfill this important role! But don’t worry, even though it's extremely important and may seem a little intimidating at first, it’s really not difficult and doesn’t take much time or require a particular skill.  



What Are The Benefits of Becoming a Detox Ambassador™️?

  • Receive a $75 discount off any detox package (If you already purchased one at regular price, your account will be credited just contact our office!)

  • Receive 3 FREE Detox Foot Bath Sessions! 

  • Get the opportunity to make a huge difference in other people's lives and be part of the force that transforms them!

  • Receive exclusive membership to the Detox Ambassadors™️ Closed Facebook group.  

  • Access to a special Facebook profile frame for Detox Ambassadors™️ only!

What’s the Catch? What do you want from ME?

It’s Simple…

  • Do what you normally do anyway and share your Detox success with others to get them excited about joining your team.  The goal is for you to try to assemble a team of at least 3 people on your own. In addition to those people, we ask that you to be willing to have up to 10 people total on your team (we will assign the remainder of your team.)   

  • **Share any detox related posts, videos or events and to your social media accounts. This is one of the MOST important jobs of an Ambassador. Unfortunately, strict rules on Facebook make reaching people extremely difficult. If people are not sharing the information to their accounts, it’s challenging for us to reach the people who need help.

  • Help keep people who have already committed to the program excited about starting and support people throughout the process through the closed FB group. 

  • When the event starts, be an active supporter in the closed Facebook group. 

Keep in mind, this is not intended to be something you need to work at. All you have to do is share the positive experiences you have had with others and interact with people on social media throughout the event!

So, as you can see, you will become a vital part of our detox team and will help change not only the lives of your team members, but the lives of people around the world as well because of our fundraising efforts for Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you for your selfless contribution!

The Specifics...

Ambassadors Are Specifically Asked To:

  • Direct people to the “Members” section of the website to get questions they have answered. 

  • Encourage people with questions not addressed by the website to reach out directly to us.

Ambassadors ARE NOT TO:

  • Answer medical questions or give medical advice.  


Do I have to participate in this Detox this to be a Detox Ambassador™️?

  • Although that is preferred, it is not required. However, only people invited by the doctors may fulfill this important role.  

What if I can’t get three people to join my team?

  • No worries! All we ask is that you try. We may assign up to 10 people to your team.


Get Started!